Sea Moss Gel Preparation

Sea Moss gel preparation

Sea Moss Gel

1. Place 1oz of Sea Moss (or desired amount) in a bowl and let soak for 15 minutes in spring water or filtered water.

2. Rinse Sea Moss thoroughly 2x to remove any excess salt & sand.

3. Place Sea Moss in a bowl and fill with Spring Water until all Sea Moss is covered and let sit for 6-24hrs. (Include a few slices of lime as an option, to remove any sea smell).

*This step makes the Sea Moss expand to almost double its size.

4. Drain Sea Moss and cut with a knife or culinary scissors into small pieces, then add to blender.

*A high-powered blender works best.

5. Next, add enough spring water or filtered water until the Sea Moss is almost covered.  Make sure it is not covered entirely. Blend for 2 cycles. Add more water for the desired texture and blend further, if necessary. 

6. Put Gel in desired storing container.  Make sure you keep it refrigerated!

Here's to health~ Enjoy!